What You Should Know About Mobile Addiction
In this week's top 10 roundup we'll look at mobile addiction (it's real), local SEO, social media images optimization and much more.
Strap on your helmets! You know, we had to make a reference to the kickoff of college football. In this week’s best of the best digital marketing mindshare from around the web we cover, mobile addiction, Google updates and much, much more.
What You Should Know About Mobile Addiction
Are you addicted to your mobile device? Even if you maintain a healthy amount of time apart from your smartphone or tablet, mobile addiction is a growing trend business owners shouldn’t ignore. While “regular users” use mobile apps up to 16 times per day, an estimated 280 million “mobile addicts” around the world use apps more than 60 times per day, USA Today reports.
21 Marketing Experts Share the Top Reasons Why You Should Talk to Your Customers
How often do you talk to your customers? If you’re like most of us, probably not as often as you should. One of the biggest mistakes I see marketers make is not talking to customers, asking them questions, and listening to what they have to say on a regular basis.
Google Search starts connecting you directly to plumbers, locksmiths
Amazon launched a home services directory in 41 cities a few months ago, and now Google is dipping its toe in the water. According to the Wall Street Journal, for those “in and around” San Francisco, searching for terms like lock repair or clogged toilet will bring you a list of prescreened professionals in the area prepared to take care of those problems.
How Beacons Benefit Your Customers (and You)
As children, we learned the golden rule in the context of interacting with one another. The notion of treating people around us like we desire to be treated became ingrained into our young and developing selves. That lesson is one that holds true not only in a kindergarten classroom but in business, too—especially in marketing.
Why Do People Share What They Do? Here’s What Neuroscience, Psychology, and Relationships Tell Us About Highly Shareable Content
What makes you stop scrolling through an article, open up a social media app and hit the share button?Is it logic, emotion, or something else?Turns out, there’s more to social sharing than just measuring metrics:Psychology.
7 Reasons to Use Emoticons in Your Writing and Social Media, According to Science
Do you remember seeing your first emoticon? The first documented use of “:-)” dates back to 1982, when Scott Fahlman proposed that it be used as a “joke marker” on a message board for Carnegie Mellon University computer scientists.
Google’s look, evolved
Google has changed a lot over the past 17 years—from the range of our products to the evolution of their look and feel. And today we’re changing things up once again:
Consumer Survey Reveals the Efficacy of Inbound vs. Outbound
We’ve all heard the decades-old myth that the average consumer is bombarded with up to 5,000 ads a day. But if someone wanted to, he or she could get that number closer to zero. Just search for “how to block ads” and you’ll find more than 700 million answers.
The Best Typography, Colors, and Templates Used in Highest-Converting Social Media Images
If you’ve been looking to supercharge your social media strategy, you probably know a lot about the benefits of using images. But, how much do you know about actually creating scientifically shareable images? Turns out, there’s tons of actionable, research-backed advice on how to create social media images that get shared—the ideal colors, fonts, text, and more, all leveraging what we know about design, psychology, and the Internet to get more shares and engagement.
Local SEO Is Not An Island (Or At Least It Shouldn’t Be!)
Local businesses’ visibility on the SERPs took a hit when Google adopted the “Snack Pack,” which shows only three results. Contributor Marcus Miller shares advice on how to handle the increased competition that’s likely to result.
We hope you enjoyed this week’s top 10 roundup. Have a question or an article that you would like to share? Feel free to post in the comments section below.
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